Many imported rifles are stamped according to federal regulations and that stamp will settle your identification process quickly. Keep in mind this is a NATO round and is not recommended to be interchanged with 308win. These are Essentially K98s which were converted by the Israelis to 7.62x51.
Night at the museum full movie in hindi free download. Another alternative if you really want a Mauser platform is to find an IDF surplus mauser. Weapon Identification Examine the rifle for an import stamp located along the barrel this stamp should state the weapon's caliber, model and country of origin.
Mauser also manufactured a series of pistols and semi-automatic rifles which are much easier to identify than the ubiquitous m-93 and m-98 series rifles. Yes, folks, your wildest dreams are about to come true: Mitchells Mausers is now selling original WW2 German Mauser Zf-41 sniper rifles Let it be known that according to 'Honest Don' Mitchell, these are the real deal, with genuine bases, not 'the incorrect, reproduction bases often seen today. 8x57 jrs (8mm mauser) k98k mauser k98 chez brno other barrel length' beggs, ok 74421: used: : 922.99 : other model 8x57 jrs (8mm mauser) mitchell arms mitchell mausers 98k model 48 collector 8mm mauser nib w/ all accessories 23 inch ' barrel saint petersburg, fl 33702: new: : 1,300. Mauser exported their design to several nations, so identification of the nationality of a Mauser rifle is important for collectors. That isn't really an issue for me as an M48 isn't something I'd get for historical significance the way I would a Gew 98 or a Springfield. 8x57 jrs (8mm mauser) mitchell’s mauser k98k byf 1942 ww2 nazi 24 inch ' barrel evans, wv 25241: new old stock: : 1,200.00 : 8x57 jrs (8mm mauser) k98 mitchells mauser bcd 41 mint german 98k ripley, wv 25271: new old stock: : 2,200. I'm looking at Mitchell's Mausers but I know they have a reputation for altering markings. mauser model 98 with voigtlander braunschwelg claw scope and lymon adjustable open sight (b8460 18). Armslist (florida) 8mm k98 mauser: 1000: k98 alpha turkish ww1 8mm mauser bolt action rifle gew 98 ss2072808 and mitchell k98 for sale or trade: 1200: 06 25. The rifle offered in Mitchell’s Mausers Collection survived the war in superior condition and still works like the day. The word 'Mauser' can refer either to the German weapons manufacturer, the Mauser-Werke Oberndorf Waffensysteme GmbH, or to the series of bolt-action rifles the Mauser-Werke manufacturered for the German armed forces. Still, I want a Mauser rifle and so I'm looking at the M48 before they dry up or the price jumps to 'WTF' rates too. Armslist For Sale Wwii German Luftwaffe K98k Mauser.